3 Practical Tips for Creating a Captivating Therapist Blog

No matter what profession you are in, having an online presence is crucial these days. Just about everyone goes online to research a company before doing business with them. Therapists should be no different. In fact, therapists would definitely benefit by building up their online image. People are looking for someone to share their heart and problems with, so it’s important to make yourself visible online. That way clients can get to “know you” before they choose you. One way to accomplish this goal is to have a regular blog. Here are 3 tips for writing a captivating therapist blog.
Write about relevant topics
You want your potential clients to find value when they visit your blog. So, make sure you choose topics that your audience find helpful. What types of problems might your prospects be facing? If you work more with a certain demographic, then think about what types of issues that demographic would be concerned about. For example, if you usually see women in their 40’s you may want to craft some blogs that address family anxiety or maybe one about the perfectionist and so on. Or if you work more with children, you could focus on child-related topics.
Writes about what you know
The best types of blogs are ones with which you have experience. Your expertise and authenticity will shine through. If you’ve counseled many married couples who struggled with one partner being unfaithful, then you would have a lot to bring to the table on that topic. The point is to write blogs about things about which you have had firsthand knowledge.
Write from the heart
Finally, be yourself when you write your blogs. Let your personality shine through. Sometimes people get the idea that professional people are unreachable. You don’t want your prospective clients to sense any type of barrier between you and them. By maintaining an openness and genuineness in your writing, you will do well to connect with your new clients. Let your warmth radiate through your writing.
Need more ideas to get started with your online presence? Get in touch today!