Marketing Your Private Practice with Thought-Provoking Blogs

You’re always looking for new and organic methods to leverage when reaching new patients. You manage your website and social platforms well. You might even be great at networking and generating referrals. But what about your blog? If you don’t have one on your site or haven’t contributed to it in a while, you could be missing an opportunity to reach your target audience. Today, we’ll highlight a few tips to keep your blog and content writing simple and optimized to help gain marketing exposure for your practice.
Empathize for Topics
Reflect on your target market and your current roster of best-fit patients. Create a shortlist of frequently asked questions and topics of conversation, in a broad and general sense. This list can be used to your advantage when deciding what topics would resonate most with potential new patients. You can create public-facing, common discussion points in short, easy to understand terms to connect with those who may need your services.
Variety with Consistency
You can change up your writing style and incorporate short, tips for managing stress type pieces, and then maybe a longer form, more technical side of emotional intelligence, for example. Don’t be afraid to change up your method of connecting, whether it be with blog writing, articles on your private practice social media page, or with conversational videos on YouTube. Remember, your audience has a variety of reading and comprehension preferences, and it’s ok to keep your deliveries different. It is, however, imperative that you maintain some degree of frequency with your posting. The more frequent you are, the better you’re positioned as a helpful resource and knowledge leader in your field.
Sharing Across All Your Platforms
If you’re submitting great blog content to your website, with healthy tips, best practices, and industry trends, don’t forget to share it through your other platforms as well. Your one piece could reach a multitude of audience types by cross-posting on your social media page, your professional LinkedIn page, or in an email newsletter. Get the most marketing mileage from your expertise and share what you know.
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